Sunday, February 26, 2012

And so it begins...

Like every good writer, I struggle with opening lines. I could not figure out for the life of me how to begin "The Screen Goddess." But as I sit here, anxiously awaiting Oscar Night, I think this is a perfect time.

For as long as I can remember, Oscar Night has been exciting. Even as a little girl, my mother would throw "Oscar parties" where my sister, my mother, and I would make lots of fun food and sit and enjoy an old Hollywood tradition. As I got older (12 yrs to be exact), I began to keep an Oscar notebook of all the winners, exciting moments, hosts, jokes, and newsworthy events that took place every year. Needless to say, I grew up continuing this tradition.  However, now I'm bringing my Oscar notebook to you.

Movies are a huge part of my life. At first I thought "The Screen Goddess" would be mostly movie reviews. But now I know I want to not only review movies but spread my contagious enthusiasm for the silver screen to you. I LOVE MOVIES. My relationship with movies has been my longest relationship in my 26 years, and the love affair continues to be strong.
I will be making updates all night, but (since I prep for this all year) my first priority will be watching the Academy Awards. However, join me in celebrating an American tradition of film and its stars.

This particular Oscar year, I have managed to see all the movies and I've immersed myself into every Oscar blog/movie blog/film magazines/websites/critics view of this big night.  I'm prepared, excited, and can't wait to see what will be chosen to represent the movie year that was 2011.

The Oscar outfit is on, the Oscar dinner is in the oven, the wine is breathing on the kitchen counter, the ballots are set, and my Oscar notebook is in front of me.

From one crazed film buff to another - HAPPY OSCAR NIGHT!

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About Me

"You carry Heaven and Hell with you." The 21st century is a beautiful and tragic time to be alive. May my creations (from both the written and artistic realm) inspire you to leave YOUR mark.
