Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why I Love Movies

If you know me, you know I begin my Oscar prep the minute the last Oscars broadcast ends.  I go to the movies two to three times a week - and that does not include my Netflix subscription and my 500+ DVD collection. I've kept every movie stub since I was about 12 years old  (also the start of my Oscar notebook obsession).  I am a professor popular culture semiotics and I usually show my class about one to two films a semester.  So, yeah...I love movies.

Movies have always created an experience that I can share with other people.  The movie experience is just as important as watching the movie.  Have you ever had a bad experience at the theatre and then in turn did not like the film?  That happens a lot more often than you think.  And with theatre prices soaring everytime you show up to see a film, it begins to dampen the experience.  As someone with a background in filmmaking and screenwriting, I know a lot goes into making a movie.  It is important to remember that, yes, everyone IS doing this for a paycheck, but they are also making films to be remembered.  Consider a brilliant actor like Heath Ledger.  Heath Ledger obviously died before his Hollywood time was up, but he lives on in all of his movies.  There's this overwhelming feeling of immortality that goes hand-in-hand with movies.  They become classic, memorable, and powerful tributes to their era.  In turn, we pass our favorite movies to younger generations.  The cycle continues and it has yet to be broken.

With that being said, another fun fact about me:  I don't have a favorite movie.  I considered adopting one some time ago, but actually choosing became too painful.  How can I have a favorite?  How can I possibly choose ONE that will explain my personality, viewing preferences, and love of cinema?  That's like choosing your favorite life moment:  it hasn't all happened yet.  The best might be yet to come!

Right now I have E!'s Countdown to the Oscars.  I'm so excited I want to punch something (but I won't because I have to take notes tonight).  I am so excited that Billy Crystal is hosting.  He is by far my favorite Oscar host - not just because of his wit and giant personality, but because he loves the Oscars and movies as much as we do watching from our living rooms.  It was a part of his American childhood and THAT I can respect.  Best of luck, Billy Crystal!  I'll be laughing at all your jokes tonight.

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About Me

"You carry Heaven and Hell with you." The 21st century is a beautiful and tragic time to be alive. May my creations (from both the written and artistic realm) inspire you to leave YOUR mark.
